
Mar 21, 2007

an nth life

I mentioned second life in previous blog. I have been experimenting with it. I have upgraded my RAM. I can now explore this world...

I didn't know what exactly it was about second life that so interested me. But I think I figured it out.

What if our world is an nth life of another society?

I know this might sound crazy. But just think about it for a second...

It was/is inevitable that we develop another world in cyberspace. It has happened. Now it is a matter of time before we continue to expand this world. What happens when we add 'artificial intelligence' type technology to these worlds. Would the characters in these worlds think they are real?

See where I am going with this?

We used to think that the known world was a small slice of globe. The rest of the world was flat. then we discovered...not true...

Then we thought we were the center of the solar system? Then we realized helio-centric model was right and so was the German-Pole Copernicus.

We then thought our solar system was the center of the universe...

Why do we now think we are the first to develop another 'world'. Isn't it more likely that we are one of these worlds. Just statisically I mean. To be first in anything you have to are an outlier. Isn't it more likely you are just a data point in a stream of data points instead of the first...or the last...
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