
Mar 3, 2007

get a life!

Do you know what an avatar is?

Sounds like a middle eastern word to me. Ali Baba and the quest of the avatar...

Virtual worlds are expanding at a rapid rate. One getting a lot press is second life.

This concept really got going with The Sims. Remember them? I don't know why the sims on line isn't out competing second life, but there it is...

Nonetheless, this is great stuff. I think this technology, as it gets better, is going to blur the lines between reality and virtual. In some individuals I am sure the line is blurring already. But the great thing, is maybe the line is meant to be blurred. Maybe society dreamed up the distinction in the first place.

This 'second life stuff' may be a great tool in helping us realize that 'there is no self' except what we project onto the self. Perhaps technology will help us orient ourselves within the spiritual universe much as it did in the physical universe. In both, we are not the center of that universe. The physical or the spiritual...

I wonder how many Christ or Buddha avatars there are in second life? Perhaps I will join second life and do what I always wanted to do...join a Buddhist monastery...

Which would buck the trend. Apparently there are is a lot of 'sex' in the second life. Perhaps it should be called, 'sexond life'. Cheezy I know...couldn't resist. See if I said that in second life you could punch me and not 'pay a price' in the real world.

But, I think your actions in second life (even though I have never experimented with it) will still have an impact upon your well-being. When you think about this 'game', it's very powerful and interesting stuff. I am not sure what it all means, but you can be sure I will be thinking about it...
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