
Apr 30, 2007

carly tips

I have Carly Fiorina's book, tough choices, and I did what I normally do with a new book. I thumb through and just pull out things that interest me. Here's a good tip and excerpt from carly and her book:

"I wasn't prepared for the questions, and so I began thinking out loud. 'well, I don't think lack of technical expertise is our biggest problem on this board. I think operational..."

But I like that strategy. In stead of sitting there with a 'daaah' look on your face...'think out loud'.

Thanks Carly!

Apr 29, 2007

keep your mind open and your wallet shut...

I do not know how the average joe or average jose makes ends meet today? I do not own a home, barely drive (although the car is on the auction block), do not have kids, am mindful of money, have no credit card debt, and i earn a decent wage....and still find it 'tight'...

I looked up at gas prices the other day at a Shell station I was walking by and just about fell over. the 'cheap' gas was clocking in around a three and a half bucks for a gallon of the liquefied hydrocarbon concoction.

Throw in a Dulce de Leche Frappucino and a trip to the mall and there does not seem to be enough dollars to fill the gap.

It's easy to see we are on a path towards a recession. Despite a recent good quarter for a string of companies and their earnings, when was the last time the consumer was in such a tight spot? Housing woes, a slowing economy with increasing gas prices and a massive trade deficit worsening a budget deficit. You have huge capital outlays going into an unpopular war and stiff economic competition from China and India waiting to jump off the bench and take your spot on the field. Things economically couldn't look any worse...could they?

And that's the obvious stuff. The more muted stuff such as the privatization of public assets such as the 'Indiana Toll Road' by Macquarie Infrastructure group along with the Chicago Skyway' as well as others.

Got $2.5 billion? The Chicago Midway Airport is up for sale.

Cash strapped municipalities are selling off infrastructure and private equity firms are snapping them up. They love the predictable cash flow such assets produce. Is this bad? Who knows maybe they will be regulated and things will work like clockwork, or they'll 'get Enron' on our ass...

The point is that there is so much up in the air. It's really hard to 'keep it all' together these days. To keep things sorted in your mind as you define your mid and long term goals, plan for retirement, decide what to invest in or for how long, how much money you are going to need 20 years from now....

With so much up in the air, my main long term goals include 'stay flexible', 'keep an open mind' and 'be mindful of opportunities'. With so much change on the horizon, the last thing I want to do is get stuck in a limited, one-way perspective on the world.

Apr 28, 2007

i am going to have a dream

I once was a lifeguard. It was perhaps the best job I have ever had. I could workout on the clock. Stay in shape. Be outside. And have fun. It truly was a great time of my life.

During one of our 'poolside philosophy' sessions I asked a fellow guard, “What's your dream?”

We are always told in movies and songs to 'have a dream'. To 'never let go of your dreams'.

And I agree. But what is a dream of ours? Are they just fleeting ideas that happen to be a little less fleeting than others?

Where do we dream up these dreams? Are they just unrealistic expectations we have of our life? Or are dreams something very real to nurture and develop?

They give us a purpose. That's pretty important.

Can dreams be dangerous?

Think of the dream of the 'Third Reich'!

AT the time of my 'poolside chat' I really didn't have a dream. I was running on a day to day whimsical cycle that was strung together by a plan created from a societal -hard wired- flight chart that mapped what I was supposed to be doing at that stage in my life. And, believe it or not, it worked well. It was a great time of my life.

But I have nonetheless continued to develop my ideas of my dream. And I do have a dream. But more importantly I have several dreams. Different sizes of dreams and compartments of dreams.

One dream, or idea, I have relates to this blog. I dream of creating a non-profit someday, that develops the concepts of self, experience and role within society that is independent of your job. A internet based center than provides a base of support and identity when one is without a job, which is a major source of self-identity in our society. When a person is between jobs, they are always on their way to getting another job. Very infrequently do they stay in that position. I want to freeze frame and stretch those moments out and give people the time to fully explore that opportunity before they have to 'rejob'. Because this is the time when dreams are born.

Or, sometimes...a time when dreams die...

A job serves its purpose. It provides, obviously, society with services that are needed. It provides individuals with cash flow, structure and a sense of purpose. But everything has a cost, and the cost of a job, that a person must accept, to a certain degree, is the identity the job gives him or her. That's the price we pay. Sometimes the price we pay is a forgotten dream.

Any role or responsibility has the potential of 'robbing us of our dreams.' Anything that is greater than oneself presents that potential, whether it is being a lifeguard, a religious follower, a parent or a little league coach. Any role we play can ultimately 'become us'.

The motivation for picking our role, is what interests me however. I want to lessen the societal pressure in terms of identity that motivates people to return to the workforce for identity.

A dream is made up of a lot of 'dreamlets'. One dreamlet of this idea is to provide a forum for people to discuss ideas as well as learn about finances. To feel more empowered even without a job.

I want to create relationships through an organization that provides identity and lessens that societal pressure. A center that supports people in exploring their individuality through writing and creative pursuits. A center whose mission springs from each individual instead of being crafted and then handed down and shaping the ideas of its members, this organization will learn from the people it supports.

That's one of my many dreams....

Apr 25, 2007

the right wrong number

this is great...

i was just on the phone with REI (such a great the REI) to register for a class...when i got a phone call on my cell. Thinking that it is the guy that is coming by to look at my car (yes i am selling it), REI dude puts me on hold.

Turns out that a girl was on the phone, and it was the wrong number. (for the record, I never get wrong numbers that are english speaking girls...they are usually chinese speaking men...although that has died off...i think the guy that had my number previously was a guy...and...chinese...)

anyhooow...while on hold i thought, "Oh no! I think the class is on the weekend I am going to grand canyon..let me check..."

And so i did...and it was....

So the girl that should have been a chinese speaking man, got me to realize i was already committed...and made my life a little less chaotic...

but now i have to find out when they are offering this class again...maybe taught by a chinese man...who misses a bunch of calls because they come to me...

Apr 24, 2007

too slow to market

i thought it would make a great documentary...people living outside of the least I will get to watch it...

Apr 23, 2007

connect two

what is a 'connection' with another person? You know what i am talking about? Don't you...Maybe we aren't 'connecting'?!

Is a connection with another person just communicating with another person in a really effective way? Two or more people that share similar styles of communication so that you feel that they 'get you'?

Here's a cheap cheapstreet times 'funercise' for you to do at home? list the three people you have connected with most in your life? are there any common links? why these people?

Did you find more connections when you were younger or more now?

Apr 21, 2007

the nth life plus 3

So I think the universe and the human mind are linked in some way. As our minds envision something beyond the edge of the universe, the edge of the universe expands. The universe is as big as our minds accept it is.

Apr 18, 2007

a place holder

I love these 'business cliches'. "a place holder' is a big one now.

"oh, that's just a place holder..." What the hell is a place holder?

Remember when 'niche' was being used in a business context? that one was great. I remember Carli Fiorina slinging that one around...

"IN this business ECOsystem..."

I've got to read her book and sympathize with her along with the soldiers fighting in Iraq and the orphans of darphur...

Poor carli...

Apr 17, 2007

only a fragment

"Only 41 percent of the adult population works [in France]..."

-Financial Times

Apr 15, 2007

gotta grow old...

Birthdays...or mile markers of a life.

Today is my birthday. Tax Day.

No wonder I like blogging about money so much...everybody was talking about their taxes when i was born. The doctor ran out of the room to mail his taxes...

Should've been an accountant...

Anyway, back to birthdays. Funny thing...I never really thought about it until this birthday, but I relish getting older. It's one more year 'in the bank'. One more year of experiences. Bundled up and packaged in my life. I want to be old. I want to be old, retired and wrinkled. I can't wait!

My parents are retired. And I have to tell you. It's the life. I love learning and hearing about life in the 'active adult' community. It is such a great story. As I said...I can't wait!

Each year that passes, is one more year I am closer to seeing how this story entitle, "my life" turns out. I once heard an expression, "if you don't want to die young, you have to grow old..."

I will tag onto the end of that...

"you have to grow old...have no job, live life as you wish, say what you want to say, and throw your inhibitions into the wind!"

soul money

I see Mexican immigrants, probably illegal, hanging out in the Home Depot parking lot. They wait and wait....and wait to find people who will hire them for day labor. Sometimes I see five or so snuggled into a car eating a meal. Or just hanging out chit chatting...looking very content...happy...

We all want to be rich. It's part of our growth. In order for us to look past material success as a path of enlightenment and fulfillment we have to have had wealth. Just like the story of the Buddha. He didn't have humble beginnings. He had opulent beginnings. And realized the path to freedom was not paved with gold. But we must look for that path first.

Many times I have heard very wealthy people saying, "the fun was in making it...not having it..." That makes sense. They had a purpose. A path to follow. Especially if that was their main goal. It seems once they have material success, however, that path may end, but another is waiting just head out of the that goes back into the woods of uncertainty...that's the path I would like to get on. But first I have to find some material success..."Did anybody see a path ladened with gold around here?...anybody?...i know it's here..."

Apr 14, 2007

sympathy for the devil

Another aspect of the Enron story lies with Lay and Skilling. Both were visionaries. Men that dreamed big dreams. Dreams, that ultimately, were too big for them to control.

Men with those dreams and those visions can all too often get lost in the relation of the thought to its execution. Details become meddlesome intrusions into the fantastic voyage of big ideas.

These guys envisioned and tried to implement movies on demand with Blockbuster. They created EnronOnline, considered to be the first successful online business. It is hard to not admire them for their visionary 'bulls eyes'.

I think that might have been their downfall. Without a grounding element, they became intoxicated with their own importance. I really admire the two for their daring dreams and I find them larger than life fascinating characters. With a little more failure earlier in their careers, they may have ultimated succeeded. And in the case of Skilling, who knows what else remains of his story...until then, however, perhaps even in spite of what else he may accomplish, I think both will forever be remembered as greedy thieves.

Apr 13, 2007

low wattage, high return

Ran hits on an interesting idea of energy, money and quality of life. And the link between each. Jeff Vail touches on it from another level. More societal.

It makes sense that energy is of utmost importance to us. Since we harnessed energy in its purest form, fire, we have been hooked with no going back. Sure we can abuse energy, just as we can anything else. But it is vital for humans and our society.

I think the idea of linking quality of life with energy usage is brilliant. That should be in the general matrix of how well a society is run. Right up there with interest rates, economic growth and infant mortality.

When I apply it to my own personal finances, getting rid of my car will free up a lot of energy I have tied up in my personal energy budget. From the money that is in the car, to the insurance to the gas used to run the car. Just the emotional energy I put into worrying about the car being towed.

Apr 12, 2007

same space, different people

So my girlfriend, being the entrepreneurial spirited girl she is ("quick, she's giving those away, get some!" i love it) rents out a room.

The guy here now got a job in europe so is leaving. He has only been here for about 2 months or so. Very nice guy.

The guy here before him rented the room for about a number of months. He's since back east but travels a lot for work and is in the area for the next week or so. Very interesting and fun guy... So we are going to meet up.

It's need how these guys have never met and never will meet, but are connected in one way or another. And now are almost overlapping in space...just as one is leaving..the movie 'babel' kind of hit on this...

I really enjoy meeting people and intersecting with their lives and seeing how their lives intersect with others. I do not think you can know or have too many people in your life. Connecting with people is one key aspect to a good life. (not that any life can really be a bad life...)

A friend told me once, you can maintain friendships with up to about 100 people. I wonder if that's true? (Might make for a good screenplay...)

Another aspect to a good beer...

Apr 11, 2007

Enron: the smartest guys in the cell

If you have not yet seen Enron: the smartest guys in the room, see it!

Most excellent story. I still can't believe this happen during the recent past. I remember watching the 'ask why' advertisements on tv. I remember reading articles about how the company was the most innovative.

So many 'average joes' worked at Enron. I wonder how many people working at Enron felt guilty about leaving early? Or that they didn't do a particularly good job on a particular project? How many beat themselves up because they took too many personal calls during the day?

Apr 10, 2007

the places that scare you

went to my favorite pizza place for lunch (not one of those places that scares me) and popped into a book store on eastern philosophy. A book called 'the places that scare you' jumped out at me and was by Pema Chodron, who is a resident teacher at Gampo Abbey, a Tibetan monastery for westerners in Nova Scotia. My sister told me of this place about a year ago (almost to the day) and I have wanted to go since. It is still part of the plan.

Some things ring true...

The book starts out with,

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye"

Apr 8, 2007

too busy to call

I've noticed I have not been calling my friends. I have noticed I am becoming dependent upon email to maintain friendships, because I can email at work....sort of...

Another one of the dark sides of work. You figure you can't make or received personal calls at work. So that's 9 hours of the day gone...Perhaps I'll have to do that more on lunch time?

Then weekends are a real squeeze to call everyone, friends and family, you did not call during the week along with doing all the stuff you want to do...

I want to start volunteering with the more thing...

A great book, CrazyBusy, hits on this point. He identifies keeping connected to what is important to you. If you lose your connections, then you yourself are lost. Many of the books ideas ring true...

Apr 5, 2007

a herd of choices

I recently looked at a stock I have been tracking. And it's gone up...quite a bit, in the last two months.

I was talking to my girlfriend right after I noticed this trend in this stock (MIC) and she asked,

"Why didn't you buy it?"

And I realized I was too overwhelmed with other stocks I was watching. Essentially, I had to many options. Too many opportunities. And just the opposite happens than what you would expect...when you have too many choices you end up taking none...

Just as fish swim in schools, and prey animals travel in herds. Their many numbers, with each individual displaying similar behavioral traits (must like stocks or items on a grocery shelf or local chain restaurants) the predator's senses get overwhelmed. Perhaps that is why the predator picks the weakest animal. Not that it is deficient, only that it is acting differently so it is easier to focus on...

that's the difficult part of human society. Act too differently and you will get taken out, but the only way to excel is to 'think different'. Finding the balance between the two is the fun part I suppose.

Apr 4, 2007

making good use of time

Riding the train is great. At first I thought,

"Wow, I have to sit on the train for 45 minutes 2 times per day...gotta be a better way..."

then it hit me, that time is mine. I am guaranteed some 'me time'. I am now starting to meditate on the train. Something I could never find the time to do before...

Apr 2, 2007

mirror economics

I was expecting the business sector to stay strong while the economic stamina of the consumer got winded. I did not expect the housing market of the East Bay to weaken, however. Now in looking at it it makes sense. The East Bay market is essentially spill over from San Francisco. I was looking at the Bay Area as one piece. Actually it is several. San Francisco, South Bay and East Bay. San Francisco has the financial sector and the San Francisco name. South Bay will maintain it's real estate values b/c of the tech sector. The area has such a strong economic base. East Bay, however, doesn't.
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