
Jan 27, 2007

free cigarettes

What does this mean to you? That is if you are not a tobacco industry executive.

We are amazing. We humans. We are struggling against our bodily and physical limitations to no end. We are even attacking those very things inside of us, that are a part of us, that keep us locked into this physical world of yearning, craving and desiring.

We are working to free ourselves and our spirits.

One of the questions that comes to my mind, however, is this. If we free ourselves of many of the physical restraints that keep us controlled, then what will keep us controlled? Is our society's goals actually in alignment with those of the individual's spirit?

If those that desire power and control of the world, knew that many of the issues society is working on today will free us from control, would things be different?

the middle way manager

So I am getting ideas. I just don't have the time and sense of order and routine to write them down. I will have to do that.

When I was deciding to join Peace Corps, I was also thinking of just traveling around the world. I wanted to go and study Buddhism somewhere. I decided to go with Peace Corps. My thinking was I have always wanted to do PC and they pay for my trip. That was the deciding factor. That costs were covered.

I am glad I went, learned and discovered things.

But I still have a strong desire to learn more about Buddhism concepts. I still want to take time and go on a retreat. I was thinking about doing a 10 day retreat and one cannot help but start adding up vacation time, thinking about work, thinking about your obligations that commit you that prohibit you from following your desires. In this case, my desire to to study buddhism to learn to control my desires.

But this got me thinking. Why cannot my work day be a surrogate for a day at a monastary? The monk's day is highly regimented. So too is mine. His day is focussed upon self-discovery. As is mine. His on mindfulness. Why can't mine?

To a certain extent a monk is fleeing the negatives of modern society and seeking sanctity in the halls of the monastery. In the words of my girlfriend in reference to the Buddha and Dalai Lama, "It's easy to be liberated when you have someone cooking your meals and taking care of you." And she's right in one way or another. When one is free from external responsibilities, perhaps it is easier to focus on forgetting the self.

In life I am trying to turn a potential negative into a positive. Into a strength. That is what I want to do here. If I bring this concept into the forefront of my mind, then it becomes a real factor in my life.

Now I am no longer wanting to run to a monastery to pursue an elusive concept of what I think I might find, but bring it into my everyday life.

Buddha put forth the idea of The Middle Way. Is this not the most middle of the ways in today's modern world?

Jan 21, 2007

institutionalized purpose

I know I want freedom. Free Time. Free thoughts. Freedom to travel. Freedom in my relationships...I know how I would spend that time. I know I would have purpose in my day. Even if that day was spent lying about pondering lying about and what lying about means. I find purpose in my thoughts alone.

And there's freedom in that...

Have you heard people say things such as:

"Sure it's nice to lay around for a week. But then I start getting bored and I can't wait to go back to work."

I find this thought so interesting.

Work, in my mind, is a means to an end. A way to generate the resources to not have to work. To explore your soul.

To many people it has become a defining purpose for their lives. In this case, and in my opinion, work has become counterproductive to the individual.

Most people want a job they can lose themselves in. A job that captivates and interests them such that the day 'flies by' and they have no recollection that they just spend eight hours of their day doing a specified task for money. Or it so challenges them that they spend another four hours past quitting time working on that case or finishing up that brief. But in the end, if work is a distraction, when work ends...what do they have? Have they grown?

I prefer to actually realize I am working. To say to myself, "This is not bad. I realize what I am doing. I acknowledge what I am giving up. What I am gaining. And, if I am lucky, that my efforts are contributing to a 'right livelihood'"

In short, I want my work to feel like work. I am seeing it with my eyes open and saying, "I accept this fate. And I am growing my purpose and exploring my soul through it."

Jan 20, 2007

"now you don't wanna out live your you?"

I found a new financial planner. Here's his strategy. You tell him how much money you have, how much you want to spend per year and then he gives you a lifestyle to ensure you don't out live your money.

"okay, you have $100k, want to live off of $20k per year so you only have 5 years to live. I am going to put you on a 3 pack a day smoking habit, bacon and eggs for breakfast, you're going to start hang gliding as a hobby, and you're going to start 'rail walking'. That gives you a 99.9% probability you will be dead in 5 years. And you get a nice pay off from that term life policy I set you up with to take care of your loved ones."

He's capitalizing on the extreme life planer. The person who can leave nothing to chance and wants to be able to plan for everything.

Jan 19, 2007

the 80/20 relationship

This is a post I had written in November but just never posted it out of fear my girlfriend would see it. But 'living in a vans...' recent post reminded me of this...(and I just showed my girlfriend...bomb defused...)

Many human endeavors and pursuits are motivated by the opposite sex for sex and approval from that sex (just thinking about sex makes me....can'

Okay...sorry...back on track...

Most of our motivations for system behavior are by one of our most basic desires. Sex. From bombing a foreign land, to making lots of money, to working out...Sex. It's very powerful. And not just the act of sex. But the approval that comes from women. That motivates men. That's what motivates male leaders of companies and countries to 'strut their stuff...'

I mean, look at a picture of Joy Bryant. She's

or this one

and how can you not want to go system? Once again desire. If you can tame the desire you can look, admire and appreciate beautiful woman. When you just look at woman that you don't know you can appreciate her physical beauty. Just as you can appreciate a work of art. All women are beautiful! True...

The joy of beautiful things can be separate from the possession of beautful things. I think of how dictators have pillaged the great musuems of the world as Hitler did. Possession can be a dangerous thing...I think back to the post on 'the Zen System'.

Anyway...for a man...all woman are potential mates. (A friend mentioned this to me a while back...most excellent point). All woman have that special ability to satisfy 80% of a man's needs. Just a woman being a woman is a wondrous thing. The only thing a man is tinkering with in his selection is that remaining 20%. Granted, that 20% can have a profound effect upon your happiness and well-being. But just accepting a woman as herself meets most of a man's needs. He will stop searching, be satisfied and realize the true beauty of the woman in his life...once you see that beauty, there will be no need for any other...and that's the true Joy! (sorry, I love these cheesy little 'wrapups' to my posts...)

That said, (this is the update to the post) the modern man/woman relationship has changed. The social thread is definitely evolving and we are experiencing it now. I have noticed in my previous and current relationship that women resist compromise. They are resisting firmly today the traditional puritanical role that they played in American culture. That is good. I think woman have been oppressed in modern society. In a primal society they had different means of exerting leverage. We are now seeing that play out in today's relationships and why 50% of marriages fail. They fail because that model is not working. If the current approach to relationships was what we 'were supposed to do' then would we have a 50% failure rate? If something didn't work half the time (isn't that equivalent to flipping a coin) wouldn't you redesign your process? And of the 50% that stay together, how happy are they? Modern society has provided us with an oversimplified and compartmentalized version of what a our roles are supposed to be. The male/female relationship is no different.

Jan 18, 2007

we are so screwed!

This is worrisome. Grab your bars of gold boys and girls...

Our entire economic system is balancing on the head of a pin. And the pin resides directly upon this issue.

"May you live in interesting times..."

Jan 13, 2007

primal needs, modern man

So I think our society and communities need, should and eventually will be structured according to primitive tribal standards. What people need to lessen the feeling of alienation and aloneness we feel today is a sense of community that is lacking. Today friendships are based mostly upon entertainment. As friends we entertain each other. Entertainment is fun, but essentially hollow and empty. The human animal needs more and the structure of most communities today fail to deliver.

We are so busy trying to insulate ourselves from the business of living that we have forgotten how to live. This is not a solution one person can solve. There is not a solution that one person can implement based upon lifestyle. The overall problem that our society has focussed on is predictability, stability and control. None of which really meets the basic, primal human needs we have, such as community, sense of purpose and fun.

Jan 10, 2007

a knocked over post

Sorry for the lack of posts. I am sure I have missed writing them more than you have missed reading them.

I have undertaken a new project.

A job.

Thus, no time to post. AT least until I equilibrate. And so I have removed comments. A casualty of lack of time. One less thing to deal with..

As I have said, I have missed posting much more than you have missed reading I am sure.

So I have taken a job for the reasons most people take jobs. What would those be?

Hmmmmm.... let me see. That would be one. And let me see...what contribute to the betterment of society and the propel the human race forward. Yes...yes, indeed.

So I have taken the job for the obvious reasons. But I have my own reasons as well. To continue this idea. To continue delving into my soul. To continue my self discovery. The job is one more tool to do that. That is the hypothesis I am the same time...make some money while I am at it...I am curious what aspects of my life will change and how. Social, health, creativity...views on money...will I be happier?
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