
Apr 5, 2007

a herd of choices

I recently looked at a stock I have been tracking. And it's gone up...quite a bit, in the last two months.

I was talking to my girlfriend right after I noticed this trend in this stock (MIC) and she asked,

"Why didn't you buy it?"

And I realized I was too overwhelmed with other stocks I was watching. Essentially, I had to many options. Too many opportunities. And just the opposite happens than what you would expect...when you have too many choices you end up taking none...

Just as fish swim in schools, and prey animals travel in herds. Their many numbers, with each individual displaying similar behavioral traits (must like stocks or items on a grocery shelf or local chain restaurants) the predator's senses get overwhelmed. Perhaps that is why the predator picks the weakest animal. Not that it is deficient, only that it is acting differently so it is easier to focus on...

that's the difficult part of human society. Act too differently and you will get taken out, but the only way to excel is to 'think different'. Finding the balance between the two is the fun part I suppose.
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