
Apr 15, 2007

gotta grow old...

Birthdays...or mile markers of a life.

Today is my birthday. Tax Day.

No wonder I like blogging about money so much...everybody was talking about their taxes when i was born. The doctor ran out of the room to mail his taxes...

Should've been an accountant...

Anyway, back to birthdays. Funny thing...I never really thought about it until this birthday, but I relish getting older. It's one more year 'in the bank'. One more year of experiences. Bundled up and packaged in my life. I want to be old. I want to be old, retired and wrinkled. I can't wait!

My parents are retired. And I have to tell you. It's the life. I love learning and hearing about life in the 'active adult' community. It is such a great story. As I said...I can't wait!

Each year that passes, is one more year I am closer to seeing how this story entitle, "my life" turns out. I once heard an expression, "if you don't want to die young, you have to grow old..."

I will tag onto the end of that...

"you have to grow old...have no job, live life as you wish, say what you want to say, and throw your inhibitions into the wind!"
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