
Jan 13, 2007

primal needs, modern man

So I think our society and communities need, should and eventually will be structured according to primitive tribal standards. What people need to lessen the feeling of alienation and aloneness we feel today is a sense of community that is lacking. Today friendships are based mostly upon entertainment. As friends we entertain each other. Entertainment is fun, but essentially hollow and empty. The human animal needs more and the structure of most communities today fail to deliver.

We are so busy trying to insulate ourselves from the business of living that we have forgotten how to live. This is not a solution one person can solve. There is not a solution that one person can implement based upon lifestyle. The overall problem that our society has focussed on is predictability, stability and control. None of which really meets the basic, primal human needs we have, such as community, sense of purpose and fun.
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