
Jan 10, 2007

a knocked over post

Sorry for the lack of posts. I am sure I have missed writing them more than you have missed reading them.

I have undertaken a new project.

A job.

Thus, no time to post. AT least until I equilibrate. And so I have removed comments. A casualty of lack of time. One less thing to deal with..

As I have said, I have missed posting much more than you have missed reading I am sure.

So I have taken a job for the reasons most people take jobs. What would those be?

Hmmmmm.... let me see. That would be one. And let me see...what contribute to the betterment of society and the propel the human race forward. Yes...yes, indeed.

So I have taken the job for the obvious reasons. But I have my own reasons as well. To continue this idea. To continue delving into my soul. To continue my self discovery. The job is one more tool to do that. That is the hypothesis I am the same time...make some money while I am at it...I am curious what aspects of my life will change and how. Social, health, creativity...views on money...will I be happier?
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