
Jan 20, 2007

"now you don't wanna out live your you?"

I found a new financial planner. Here's his strategy. You tell him how much money you have, how much you want to spend per year and then he gives you a lifestyle to ensure you don't out live your money.

"okay, you have $100k, want to live off of $20k per year so you only have 5 years to live. I am going to put you on a 3 pack a day smoking habit, bacon and eggs for breakfast, you're going to start hang gliding as a hobby, and you're going to start 'rail walking'. That gives you a 99.9% probability you will be dead in 5 years. And you get a nice pay off from that term life policy I set you up with to take care of your loved ones."

He's capitalizing on the extreme life planer. The person who can leave nothing to chance and wants to be able to plan for everything.
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