
Mar 10, 2007

pizza my heart

Going with the idle time theme. I was once again at the post office. I had some time to wait again. When i got to the counter to pick up a package the postman let me know,

"wait here, I will be right back..."

S0 I waited.

But my first thought was,

"oh, some idle time. let me grab my phone and text message my friend back..."

But then caught myself.

We, ourselves, are really good barometers for everyone else. Chances are. Your gut reaction or instinctual response as a result of cultural identity will be the same as 99% of the people in your culture. In our cases, western society. So If my initial thought was,

"oh, idle time. I must distract myself and/or be as efficient as possible"

Then, chances are 99% of the american public thinks the same thing.

but going with the thought in my last blog entry. I think we are robbing ourselves of those moments where the brain 'drifts'. And in those drifting moments, kind of like conscious sleep, the brain solves problems. When the brain stops thinking of a problem it has to solve, it often finds a solution...

I guess my point is, don't feel you always have to distract yourself. I'm trying to learn it's okay to let the brain just sit...and idle...

In this case, I just found a great NY pizza place in the south bay so I let my brain drift over the experience again...

I'm a retrenched New Yorker and always looker for a good pie. I finally found one that can compete with the east was pure chance that I found this place...I have to do a 'resample' to ensure their consistency is there. That's always a fear, find a great pie only to realize it was an outlier. A chance hit. A random shot in the dark that hit its mark...i have a good feeling about this place, however.

So when i go back next time. I hope there is a nice long line. So I can stand in line and wait...doing nothing but being idle....

in other words, "just don't do something, sit there..."
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