
Mar 4, 2007

getting comfortable

We went to an used REI gear sale yesterday. And saw nothing of worth, so I bought nothing. Good.

Went to best buy and bought a new computer...Good?

I think so.

Sometimes it's so hard to tell good purchases from bad. In this case I bought the cheapest desktop I could find. $364 for a 1.8 gig. Not bad. With keyboard and mouse. They then gave me a giftcard with 50% of the value of the computer to the tune of about $180 bucks. Which i used to buy a thin monitor that was open boxed so knocked down to $90. Which leaves me with about $70 (after taxes on the monitor) to play with.

Then i bought a $20 computer desk...

So now I have a cheap street command central operation. It's nice, getting comfortable, but also a little scary. I am trying to find the sweet spot of 'stable but flexible'.
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