I really do enjoy talking with people. Getting to know people. Getting to expand my life experience through getting their perspectives. I think the more people the better. Everyone can give you their perspective on the world.
I think of the three blind men in the room with the elephant (get your minds out of the gutter).
Each one gets a different perspective on what an elephant looks like. One man says as he feels the tail, "Ahhh, it's like a snake..."
Another one touching the massive leg and says emphatically, "NO! This animal looks like a tree."
The last one says, "What are you guys blind! Oh...anyway, this animal is more like a spear!" As he feels the smoothness and pointedness of the tusk.
Life is like the elephant. Each of us the blind men. By getting to talk to each blind man, we get a better picture of the whole picture.
My girlfriend and I had our friends over last night. I got reacquainted with their perspective. It's a great perspective! I am really lucky to have friends that I aspire to learn from. I am lucky to have friends that I want to be more alike.
I have really cool friends!
I think we have forgotten, as Americans, that conversation is a source of entertainment. Of bonding with great people and just talking is a wonderful experience. It has been a source of entertainment that has kept us busy for ages. Before TV. Before movies. Before books even.
We had conversation. We had each other....