
Mar 14, 2007

a new idea?

This blog is trying to find itself. What are the common themes I like to write about? What are the common threads that connect each post. I am not sure, but I am trying to find that out.

One thing the really interests me is ideas and their evolution. It just so happens I was reading the financial times and came across an article on the history of originality and the meaning of originality and innovativeness.

The author writes, "We still labour under a romantic (that is, Romantic) notion of what creativity and originality look like. We picture that lonely figure experiencing a eurka moment and, from nothing, creating something completely and utterly new."

He says, "innovation is a team game, and one in which everyone has much to learn (and copy) from what is going on in the outside world."

He talks about how google is critiqued for profiting off of the ideas of others. I think google exemplifies what defines innovation. Making connections between existing ideas.

Innovation, is not about coming up with something new. But a new view on what already is. A new connection. A connection can be original.

The idea that nothing is original is not very original. But what can be original and innovative is a new process. A new method. A new perspective.
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