
Mar 23, 2007


So I recovered my car. You know...that thing with four wheels that I never use. That thing, that if it sits for more than 3 days is considered 'abandoned' and will be towed. You then have to leave work, go to the police station and get a 'release form' and then go to the tower and pay $145 for the tow, and $45 for each day it sits in the lot. Which could be quite a long time if you never use your car. Thankfully, mine just sat for a little over a day (thanks to my girlfriend asking, "hey, where did you car go?") But no prorating, you get slammed for the whole day, even if it just sat in the lot for an hour over the 24 hr period.

So this is a legitimized scam. You have to pay to get your own stuff back. Great deal!

I think I may put a sign on my car that says, "I will move my car for $10, call this number....". Otherwise it'll move every 2-3 days. I have to look up the law as to how far it has to move. A foot? 2 feet? There's probably some crazy formula that gets worked out...

"If it's an odd model year, then you dived the year by two...after adding three...and then multiply that by .84 and then call this number to find out the current conversion rates for that zip code to find out how far the car actually has to move."

so great...

Actually, it was an interesting experience. Kind of expensive...but interesting...

So I am going to evaluate going carless. I don't need my car for work. Once you are at that stage, getting 'rid of the ride' becomes really doable....

will keep you posted of my carless adventures...
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