
May 5, 2007

the guantanamo chronicles

just watched 'the road to guantanamo'. It was an okay film.

But the funny thing is...we created a terrorist training facility in Guantanamo bay. If the guy you have is not a terrorist, you are creating one or at least somebody that is not going to be friendly and compassionate with your situation. And if you do have a terrorist, then you are just reinforcing their beliefs to hate. I'm not saying that we should roll out the red carpet and party with suspected terrorists....but I am saying we should believe in compassion, humility and reason.

Peaceful resistance has been employed by Gandhi and Dr. King. When groups are oppressed. When people do not have power.

Have those tactics ever been employed by the group with power? When a ruling group (a group with power) feels threatened has that group ever used peaceful means of control and mediation? Would that mean giving up power and creating more of an equity which would lead to another group oppressing the oppressors? I suppose that is the fear....
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