
Feb 26, 2007

sauced by apple

okay, my brand new ipod i thought i was getting when i returned my bad apple. well, i suspect it wasn't brand new because it died two weeks later.

I just brought it back to the apple store again and they issue me a 'new' ipod. My girlfriend was really funny. I was at the 'genius bar' already when she came in and she said,

"what are they doing? giving you another dead one?"

really funny...

so we wait and see.

But i realized, apple has it's own secondary market in returned ipods. when you bring your ipod back before the end of the warranty period (1 year from date of purchase) you get a 'recycled' ipod or factory refurbished ipod. aka one that was already brought back. you enter in the secondary ipod market.

i think they make these things with such tight tolerances (i mean they are pretty small) that their failure rate is pretty high. the only way they can keep costs down is to recycle these things.

it's pretty if only they served beer at the genius bar...
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