
Aug 25, 2007

A Busted Best Man

I am 'co' best man (full disclosure...if you read the wikipedia link...i did zero of the duties so that bad?) tonight for a wedding.

So I am going to give a toast that highlights three funny stories of my friends life up to the time when the other co best man entered the picture, at which point I will pass the 'mic' and he can continue with the saga.

The three funny stories are going to highlight three values i admire in the guy...intelligence....ability to entertain and put on a show...stand up for what you believe, even when it seems crazy...

how do you feel about weddings? does the modern wedding reflect values you have or are you just jumping through hoops prearranged by somebody else?

Sometimes it's hard to go with your values and still keep friends and a network of people. That I think is one of the challenges presented to all of us...hold onto your values...not get too bent out of shape trying to conform to others values, but still keep and grow your friendships and relations with others...
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