We each make individual choices in our lives irrelevant of the system in which we live. Is there any honor when the motive is profit at any cost? In my mind, theresalequeen.com personifies the individual choices we make and their impact upon the world. A worker bee within a massive multi-national oil company is somewhat removed from their actions and the company's impact on the world, for better or worse. In a case such as theresalequeen, however, her motivation is strictly profit, at any cost, even if she has to lie to do it.
Don't get me wrong, I do find her site interesting and markets of all kinds interest me. Stock markets,
real estate markets, even the tickle me elmo market. I cannot condemn her for doing what she does. Who am I to judge? It is very interesting to observe and comment on, however.
But her motives are motivated simply by greed which produces a positive feed back loop, furthering scarcity and greed.
I see a distribution. Both extremes. Individuals such as theresalequeen on one end of the distribution and non-profits and organizations such as the UN on the other end. I believe both extremes are non-beneficial to society as a whole. The mindset that the resale queens of the world hold, is a profit at any cost as long as the 'price is right'. And the UN tries to determine how individuals and sovereign nations should implement change from a central dogmatic view, even if it is with an idealistic and altruistic perspective.
Maybe the resale queen, is just an indicator of how absurd a human's perception of 'need' can get? And isn't human desire an entertaining thing? Especially if there is a profit to be made...