I went to the post office yesterday to mail my appeal of my appeal for my unemployment benefits. It seems I mailed one of my claim forms, a form you have to mail every 2 weeks in order to claim benefits, from NYC. Apparently EDD, Employment Development Department, AKA the welfare office, has somebody employed (a good way to keep the economy going along during those slow times) to inspect post marks. This person or persons did a great job! They caught my claim form mailed from NYC and I did not report in to EDD telling them I would be in the NYC area. This triggered a 'phone interview'. (did I just warp back to middle school..."where's your hall pass..")
So I had nothing but problems trying to justify to the EDD people that I was actually unemployed and looking for work. The hardest work I have ever done was trying to get money for not working. Their mission, however, became clear. Their purpose, their mission is not to provide a safety net for you or me in case we lose our jobs. No. Not in the leastest.
It's to ensure we stay controlled, socialized and of prepped for the work world. We stay fit for work, which essentially means being a system tool.
Which is fine. I accept I have to play this game for a while. It just took me a while to learn the rules. Now I am trying to 'win' my back pay by making a strong and convincing case. Which really is...actually...fun...
That's really how I see working, and making money now. It's a game of immersion into the world of capitalism and work. The game is being played, why not see it for what it is...a game....get in it, and have some fun?
I think just being aware is the first step towards winning it.
Anyway, I was at the post office and the LINE JUST WASN'T moving! I was very surprised at myself for getting antsy and annoyed. I thought, "wow, must be work. I have much less time now, because I am working. I still have to get a bow tie, and my girlfriends brother is coming to town...Why won't this Damn Line Move!"
I was shocked. I thought I had the Zen Line Thing covered.
So I used the game strategy. I thought, "hmmmm, well let me see if i can turn this around and just be Zen about this situation..."
Low and behold, everthing got better. I relaxed and my external world seemed to get better. I just enjoyed the line. The people around me. I enjoyed the fact that I had to be there. That I had the opportunity to relax and do nothing. Then, would you believe it? The line started moving...rolling....pushing forward. Before I knew it, I was at the front of the line, thinking,
"oh man, i'm gonna miss standing here and doing nothing..."