
Feb 22, 2007

can't believe this...

I can't believe I am going to write this...

I love my job...

I see my job as something that let's me do something that I wouldn't normally be able to do, give me new experiences and do something positive. It's great...

hmmmm....i guess everything has a cost. If i like what i am doing on the job (although I get frustrated from time to time and i will probably vent here), i think the cost is not have creative juices flowing about the positives of the alternative lifestyles to work. so i've struck a balance...

i'm going to live like a 'floater', that happens to have a job...should the job evaporate (which tends to happen from time to time) i want to remain nimble and responsive enough to take that as an opportunity to try something new. explore. venture out...

this way "heads i win, tails i win"...can't lose...

so great...

it's the "stable but flexible" strategy...
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