
Feb 1, 2007

breeding cubicle monkies

So we are selecting for people that do not question. For people that do not mind the status quo. We are, our society, is selecting for people that will 'buy the party line'.

Think about it.

The people that don't want little kiddies are not going to put their wrists out and say,

"shackle me with another pair of golden handcuffs please!"

That said, the people that don't mind slaving away for the lexus RX wage-slave machine are the one cranking out the little rug rats.

Perhaps I am taking the easy way out. I could camp out in the woods, raise a little farm of my own puppies and tell them to:

"go forth and question everything."

But that's a little impractical.

Therefore, I am back to my original argument, there will be no need for social control in the future, because the social control will be build right in.

Just like, how everybody eventually sits in the same seats, in the same rows after the first day of a college class. Without "designated seating"...
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