I have often compared money to energy. But I am thinking it also behaves a lot like matter as well.
When you keep that in mind and read something such as this...you cannot help but observe money's gravitational pull.
It's almost contradictory. The people with the least money get charged the highest interest rates.
These 'money rules' make for a hording and 'mine' mentality. Cooperation is of less importance. I wonder if this could be compared to the 'nash equilibrium', I call it the 'so great' situation...better to work together.
Is it possible our country has gotten too rich for its own good?
[I reposted a previous post that seems relevant to this issue...the 'screw your neighbor Elmo doll' post...]
PS I'm experimenting with more of a focus, instead of just throwing up random thoughts...(although this thought is pretty random...and self referencing as well.)