
Dec 26, 2006

pain is good

Following a holiday feast, a day of wallowing in comfort, I have to remind myself that pain and discomfort are a valuable part of a balanced life. Pain is a reminder to me that I am on the right path in life.

During training for a marathon, feeling pain and discomfort were milestones that I was on the right path. I felt that when i was running around the ten mile mark. When I hit twenty miles, the pain fell away. I was closer to the finish line, so to speak.

Now, after a year of living 'the party life', it is time to embrace pain and discomfort again and return to a more balanced life. Now I run twenty minutes and I feel the pain, following such a lifestyle for so long. I look forward to getting into shape and rebuilding.

A great book that hits on this stuff is called, Toughness Training for Life.

Discomfort can come by choice or from an external event. In terms of an individual's lifestyle, for example, change and discomfort may be forced upon an individual as a result of a bad diet leading to diabetes. Personally, I would rather choose a healthier alternative, a lifestyle change, rather than it be forced upon me.

Jack Trace talks about this in his latest post regarding oil consumption, climate change and our society's lifestyle, rather an the individuals lifestyle. But what is our society's lifestyle, but a collection of all its individuals' lifestyles? Very interesting post and worth a read.

Enjoy the discomfort today may bring...
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