
Aug 16, 2008

political action garden

bascially, no matter what you do for a living, you are a politician...

I'm in a community garden and i was talking to a woman in the garden today. She was telling me about some of the previous projects at the garden. She said, "oh yeah, blah blah blah was going to do this, that and the other thing. But he ended up quiting the garden."

She went on...

"Oh, that was going to be done by Mr. X, but he left the garden..."

And the thing is, it's a really cool garden. With cool people.

I think it's just that anything, no matter how cool something is, there's always a political component to it.

At work you deal with it. Put up with it. Complain about it. But you stay, because you have to. Because of a thing called a paycheck...

So anyway, no matter what you do...your a politician. Only without the perks...go figure...
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