
Dec 12, 2006

wanted: forward looking primativists

Is it possible that primativists are actually futurists...they might just not know it?

Primativists think about the basic, animal part of the human existance in its more primal state of being. That of being a top predator. A basic, but very valid and rewarding existence. An existence for an individual that transcends a cubicle, a computer screen and 50 minutes to eat a microwaved lunch...

The primativist wants more from life than health insurance premiums and worring about retirement planning.

How could anyone find fault with the primativist's desire? The unhappy cubicle office worker finds just as much dissatisfaction with their life and the way they are spending it, but they are willing to put up with it. They give credence to the 'deferred gratification' argument while the primativist does not.

The same forces are at work, however, in each player, the primativist and the cubicle dweller. Our privative desires of possession, stability, security and a longing for pretty things got us here in the first place. Our primative desires, linked with evovling technological know-how are putting our existence, quality of life and planet at risk.

Today, basic desires are what propel most individuals within society. Whether the desire 10,000 years ago was for a better axe, or today for a new Imac...desire remains the same. Are not all desires of equal weight?

Good desire and bad desire?

What I think the primativist wants for the direction of society requires a movement forward in human thinking. An evolution of our ideas, our thinking and finally our way of life. If we went back to the primative societies from which we came, we would have to travel the same path as we are on now.

Perhaps the primativist needs to look forward, not backwards. They need to think of what can be, and not what has been.

Our society is evolving, but the question is...are we?
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