I watched 'who killed the electric car'. A great movie and worth a watch. The EV1 that GM put out looked like a really neat car and the owners of the EV1 were really passionate about them. Some were even arrested in protesting the 'collecting' of their cars when GM killed the program. It was sad...the killing of an idea...but maybe good riddance because check out Tesla's cars...
But I wonder if Tesla is only 'allowed' to be in the marketplace because it's niche is so small? And that's why it has such a high priced car to limit it's mass market appeal? One has to wonder?
All of the policy and guidance shaping our markets (such as the success or failure of the electric car) and society as well as what our values are really gets set from the top down. And it's a shame that our leaders are really just self-promoters interested in making money whose values don't always reflect those of the community. I suppose one value that is universally accepted is that of money. So when money is most valued, those individuals who value it most will rise to the top.
Perhaps this can only last so long. I suppose Bush knew, as well as those that put him in power, that his popularity would dissipate, but that it doesn't matter. He did what he had to do...his job is done...