
Jul 6, 2007

"I live at 222 Road Rage Drive..."

Being on a bike, can I get road rage? Although I don't get road rage, I find I have to bike aggressively sometimes in order to get where I am going...or cars will not let you in...out...or by...

It is speculated that road rage results from a sense of anonymous power from driving a car. I have heard of bikers at 'critical mass' smashing cars, particularly mini-vans, but I have never seen this. Although, in a large group, a sense of anonymous power could be sensed, even if on a bike. And the mini-van smashing incident would support the anonymous sense of power theory.

Critical mass is a good idea, but i think they need to develop a little more sensitivity to people in cars. I feel sorry for so many people locked in their cars...critical mass should show there are good alternatives to the car. Good, peaceful alternatives...

and they should also just let the mini-vans go in peace...
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