
Jun 11, 2007

car sickness

Wow...I feel great! I just sold my car for a lot less than I paid (teaches me) and I feel so light. I realized I've been suffering from car sickness for the past year...that feeling of weight and burden that results from car fees, registration fees, parking fees, fear of tickets, gas prices, oil changes...blah blah blah...sorry felt a little whoozie there...flash backs...

I have to pick up the check tomorrow and thought, "hey, what if these guys screw me and don't pay me...and they have my car!"

and i thought...

"They did me a favor, they they liberated me. That alone is worth it...and I can cancel my insurance policy...and that gnawing aching feeling to pay the registration...guess what...gone! so even if they screw me...they saved me..."

Funny thing is, what happens if there is a technological 'phase change' and a leap in electrical car technology (want to see the future...check out tesla!)? How will people be even able to sell gas cars? Personally (like a blog is anything else but my personal opinion...), I think electric and internal combustion will be competing technologies...kind of like 'flash memory' and hard cheap and dirty and the other elegant but expensive...

but with either technology, chances are i'd still suffer from car sickness...
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