
Jun 16, 2007

a biking society?

Until today I've always been disgruntled how we are such a 'car society. But today i thought, "today is the best time ever to become a biker as a main means of transportation!".

Sure we are dependent on the car today. But 150 years ago we were depended upon the horse and carriage. Not the bicycle. And asphalt makes for a great biking surface. I think we still may yet become a biking society. All of the pieces are there. Groups like the San Francisco Bike Coalition are making life in SF better for the biker...

I believe things will get better...look at GM...

Heck, my girlfriend is even thinking of trading in her car for a gem car since her commute is only 7 miles. On days when we have a trip that's been planned we can rent an appropriate vehicle for that trip...a SUV...a Truck...something with 4 wheel drive...

She excitedly biked to work one day. I am having to tell her to take it if my girlfriend, a lifelong car driver can think this way, then things are getting better I think...
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