
May 28, 2007

the wonderful world of deep sleep

so i just got back for the grand canyon...and it was....well...grand...we drove a really long way in not too much time. It is a twelve hour drive one way and we did two, one day drives. We left Friday and got back today around 9 am, so we drove through the night. It was a trip that had some really 'trippy' parts to it since we did not get, as expected, much sleep last night. We stopped briefly in Las Vegas via the Hoover Damn, which made the trippy parts even more trippy...

which got me thinking about sleep...I think the longest record of somebody going without sleep is around 11 days. During that time, it becomes difficult to discern between dream and reality.

I've often thought sleep, seems logical, is the brains means of post-processing the days events...

A more fun and sci-fi story for sleep just hit me in a sleep deprived haze...and going with the 'it's a simulated life' concept...what if sleep is actually when our brains receive their 'processing' or programming for future thought and/or download data to a 'higher processing power'?

interesting spin on this world being a simulation....just a thought...or was this just 'scripted'...keeps you guessing...
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