
Apr 12, 2007

same space, different people

So my girlfriend, being the entrepreneurial spirited girl she is ("quick, she's giving those away, get some!" i love it) rents out a room.

The guy here now got a job in europe so is leaving. He has only been here for about 2 months or so. Very nice guy.

The guy here before him rented the room for about a number of months. He's since back east but travels a lot for work and is in the area for the next week or so. Very interesting and fun guy... So we are going to meet up.

It's need how these guys have never met and never will meet, but are connected in one way or another. And now are almost overlapping in space...just as one is leaving..the movie 'babel' kind of hit on this...

I really enjoy meeting people and intersecting with their lives and seeing how their lives intersect with others. I do not think you can know or have too many people in your life. Connecting with people is one key aspect to a good life. (not that any life can really be a bad life...)

A friend told me once, you can maintain friendships with up to about 100 people. I wonder if that's true? (Might make for a good screenplay...)

Another aspect to a good beer...
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