Civilizations rise and fall, but there is always a system. Our current system (if you just want to consider the 'Good Ole US of A' as our system) is just the latest in a series of system evolutions. While this USA 1.0 is here now, it will will evolve. There will always be a system. Humans cling to systems. We cannot avoid them. Even if we have a total system collapse.
Wall Street chokes, the financial markets shudder, clutch the chest, and collapse from one too many glutton-burgers, thereby throwing us into a new dark age. Be advised, a new system will emerge. It is inevitable.
Our system, our technologies, our ideas. Our ideas undergo the same evolution that species have undergone for millions of years. Only much faster.
Our current system has supplanted that of the natural world. We have created our own “ecosystem”. Instead of trophic levels and transfer of energy between trophic levels, we have capital structures, financial markets and transfer of currencies between them.
Am I cheer leading for a system collapse? No.
Do I think a system realignment is impending? Yes.
Does the human spirit need a system collapse for a 'breath of fresh air'? No.
I think it is the human role to fight for meaning within that system. The system that imprisons us also gives us the necessary equal and opposing force to find ourselves. Just as a physical prison removes our physical freedom and may force us to develop our spiritual freedom; the societal control established to control human freedoms provides us that same opportunity. To develop a freedom independent of the system.
I applaud, admire and believe 'civ-bloggers' are providing a necessary perspective on our current societal status. That 'system joe' who finds purpose in toiling to generate wealth to support his BMW, is better off if he reads a blog about our society ending as he knows it. Our BMW-driving-system-joe friend can have a system collapse on a micro or a macro scale.
Micro collapse: Joe gets fired from his job due to poor sales (something completely beyond his control). Joe goes home and tells his honey of a trophy wife that things are not so good at the office. “But how is this going to affect our lifestyle”, she asks.
Or a
Macro collapse: Currency markets start moving away from the dollar, the dollar gets revalued downward, and Joe's portfolio hits the skids (something completely beyond his control). Once again, Joe is left holding the bag...and his wife is wondering if her bag will say, "Neiman Marcus" or "Walmart"...
Adopting a different world view (something completely within his control) would give Joe a purpose beyond the job, beyond the car (sorry joe...the BMW...) and beyond his portfolio.
Civ-bloggers play a role. A change is coming...A system realignment is in the air.
“Hey Joe, can you feel it?”