
Oct 5, 2008

too absurd to be real...

Reality has reached such a level of absurdity on so many issues i dont' know where to begin.  It seems the United States of America has dug itself quite a hole.  My favorite expression is, "when you're in a hole...stop digging." 

I don't think there was a definite begining  to the whole we're inn, but there were definite indicators that we were moving in the wrong direction.  

I think one of those was when Janet Jackson had her wardrobe malfunction...seems small, but it represented the aburdity of where our country was heading...and, unfortunately, still and banal entertainment....too much glitz...a 'glitz bomb' if you will...

If there was ever a wake up call, it's that Palin is actually runnning for Vice President of the USA. If this scares you, think about what it says to the rest of the world. did we get here?

We've blurred the lines between reality entertainment (reality TV) and where reality is real...

"Sssssshhhhhh...I don't want to miss this...the good part's coming up..."

Oct 3, 2008

could this be a bigger joke?

Paulson is hiring money managers to dole out the $700,000,000,000...

Paulson is quoted as saying, "Did I tell you I'd deliever the biggest, #$@#^@# payday you wall street scum would ever see or what?  Now PAY up MOTHER @!#$%@#!!"

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